Peculiar Mormyrid - Pas Un Cadavre: 50 Years Since the Death of André Breton

50 years since the death of its principal founder, surrealism asks: "Who was André Breton? And whom does he haunt?" To mark this anniversary, active surrealists from around the world have contributed their Bretonian dreams, encounters, poems, paintings, sculptures, and other marvels to this singular potlatch. Collected in honour of his legacy, and in stark opposition to the denigrating efforts of recent biographers to bury his reputation - and anything but a memorial - this collection represents a polemic to the present and a parcel to the future in the name of the living, vibrant forces of the surrealist revolution. Peculiar Mormyrid, 2016.


Breton vs Ehrenburg: A Détournement on the Boulevard Montparnasse by JasonAbdelhadi
The Night of the Sunflower by Elise Aru
To Breton by Maurizio Brancaleoni
Late Wednesday Morning: An Adventure with André by Casi Cline
This Happens To Be Now by Paul Cowdell
L’explosante by Claude Cauët
butterflies, sable pride by Daniel Fierro
André Breton in China by Guy Girard, Illustrations by Pierre-André Sauvageot
André Breton et les météorites, même par Le groupe surréaliste de Paris
Poem by Alex Januário
Scorched landscapes of my mind & Andre Breton in Babylon by Valery Oisteanu
after mad love & breton quintet by Scherezade Siobhan
Navigations by Arthur Spota
L’angle du bac by Virginia Tentindo, Poem by Joël Gayraud
Would you open the door?
Dreams & Encounters
Visual Art by: Alex Januário, Ana Orozco, Andrew Mendez, David Nadeau, Guy Ducornet, John Richardson, John Welson, Jon Graham, Maurizio Brancaleoni, Mitchell Pluto, Rik Lina, Steven Cline


All of the Lady in Sly Concoction & Their Shades Are Legend by Bruce Boston
Home Remedies with Concave Instruments & Garden Of You by Cassandra Carter
Floors and Flowers, Needless To Say, & Shops Are Not an Argument for People by Dale Houstman
Alley Walk Into the Dark Park by James Jackson
Fado-dada by Valery Oisteanu
The Cake in My Handkerchief Has Grey Skin for the Birds & How the Earth is a Flutter of Little Schisms (Rimbaud’s Little Sowing Table) byArthur Spota
The Unsyllabicated Words, A Woman‘s Scarlet Color, & The One Hundred Years War by T.D.Typapdos
ash / spews into / South American skies, milestones in design history, & when incinerated by Mark Young


On the Road to Abandoning Artistic Responsibility & Vagabond Starscape from the Corner of the Desert by Jason Abdelhadi
Red Penning Slips by Maurizio Brancaleoni
Heavy the Tiara: The Twitterpation of Miss America by Nicholas Alexander Hayes
Excerpts from a journal by Philip Kane
Enquete Sur La Sociologie Du Vitreur Quarante Six Ans Apres & Pour Un Nid De Caresse by Ody Saban
Opinion by Patrik Sampler

The English Opium-eater Hurled by Whirlwind Into an American Halloween & The English Opium-eater, Reportedly Alive and Living His Dreams by Matt Schumacher
No Continuity & Lens by Tamara K. Walker
Nuclear Autopsy by Craig Wilson


amalgamate III by Steven Cline
Mount Analog & Natural History by Steve Morrison


Cactuswater & Wet Dream by Johannes Bergmark
Tincuhte by Casi Cline
Le labyrinthe de la mort symétrique by David Nadeau


What’s Wrong With This Picture? – February 13, 2016

Visual Art

Visual Art by: Jay Blackwood, Casi Cline, Steven Cline, Ashley DeFlaminis, Angel Dionne, Guy Ducornet, Janice Hathaway, Sherri Higgins, Karl Howeth, Stephen Kirin, Megan Leach, Rik Lina, Renzo Margonari, Andrew Mendez, Rithika Merchant, Jaan Patterson, Toby Penny, Mitchell Pluto, Evelyne Postic, Ody Saban, Nelly Sanchez, Mark Sanders, Craig Wilson, Bill Wolak, İzem Yaşın